Crime Free TestimonialsKeep Illegal Activity Off Rental PropertyLet me be the first to promote the benefits of being a member of the International Crime Free Association and/or having a fully certified rental property. Both opportunities are worth their weight in gold because of the effectiveness of the program and the law enforcement support offered by an association that gives back more than it requires from its participants. I've been affiliated with the Crime Free Programs since 1995. I recognized immediately the importance of these law enforcement-based programs to the business community. I enthusiastically signed on as a charter member of the association and became a certified trainer. As a former landlord and property manager, I know first-hand the benefits of a law enforcement-based program that truly interfaces with the business community. As a professional security consultant to the rental housing industry for over thirty years, I have consulted with many out-of-control, high-crime rental properties. I can wholeheartedly state that the Crime Free Programs and backing of the international association membership can help even the most troubled property reclaim its dignity, profitability, and become reasonably safe. This is a worthy effort. Chris E. McGoey, CPP, CSP, CAM Crime Free Multi-Housing has been in Edmonton for over 12 years.
It is widely accepted and supported by a number of
not-for-profit, Government subsidized, and private property
management companies throughout the I have been a Police Officer for 14 years, the first 12 years with the NYPD. I retired early at the rank of Detective to become a Riverside Police Officer in California. I am now assigned to the Riverside City Police, Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. All things said I feel qualified in saying that the Crime Free program WORKS and in my opinion should be implemented in every police department in the nation. To anyone who is interested, I say this "You’re never alone if you choose to implement the Crime Free program in your city. There is always someone out there (within the Crime Free Community) who can assist you with any needs and concerns related to the Crime Free Program. Tim Zehring has always been available for questions, assistance, and training. Again, if you choose to implement the Crime Free Program in your city, you can be assured there will always be someone within the Crime Free community that would assist you in the process and progress of the program. The program is built on the concept of sharing and assisting other police departments with information. The program works, I know, I have experienced it first hand." Tim what you have developed is nothing short of amazing. Your Crime Free Program has impacted communities in Riverside in a way that I don't think even you can imagine. I have seen first hand how a crime ridden apartment complex can be turned into a livable, virtually CRIME FREE community. The managers, residents, and patrol cops love the program. The managers love managing a Crime Free property. The residents love living in a safe community and the "Coppers" love the decline of calls for service on Crime Free properties. The Crime Free program is a win-win situation for all. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share with you my opinion about the Crime Free Program. Police Officer, William RodriguezPolice Department Riverside, CA The Crime Free Programs ARE the most successful crime prevention education programs currently available in the world. In Kansas City, MO the pilot program we started has had a great impact on our crime rate and on the perception of the police within those communities. The programs do involve commitment from the PD and the city, but isn't that our purpose? I also agree that no city is "left out to dry" after the initial set up of the program. There is not an agency out there currently doing Crime Free that is not always willing to help. You and the rest of the Mesa, AZ P.D. folks have always been there when we needed you. The same goes for all of the people I have e-mailed, called or visited over the past 7 years. We have been able to "sell" our police board and now they refer people to us! (About time too) Don and I would be happy to talk to anyone, at anytime, anywhere, to help promote this and show people that it works. Police Officer, Chris SicoliKansas City, MO Police Department Crime Free Coordinator North Patrol Division 1001 NW Barry Rd Kansas City, MO 64118 (816)437-6231 desk (816)437-6207 fax The City of Champlin in Minnesota has been running the program since 1997. The program has worked for our city with a population of 23,000. The training we received from the Mesa Police Department was the spark we needed to get our program off and running. We had our program evaluated by Mankato State University and the results were an overall reduction to calls for service and crimes by over 36%. At this time we do not have an officer assigned to Crime Free Program as we did in the past due to budgets, but it is in the plans to assign an officer in the future to run the crime free program. If anyone needs to review our evaluation from the University of Mankato, please let me know. Police Officer, Kevin Wagman In late 2002, I had the opportunity to be introduced to the International Crime Free Association’s Crime Free Multi-Housing program in Savannah, GA. I have to be honest in saying I did not know what to expect. The city I live in at the time was full of problems including a tremendous drug problem. There was not a day or night when we did not have fight calls, generally involving some sort of weapon. Drug problems were getting out of hand and hard to control. Call volume was high no matter what time of day. We spent more of our time going from apartment to apartment dealing with the same people. Our complexes were the types that would move anyone in if the money were handed to them. Then when these people would become problems that they couldn’t handle the police were expected to fix it, but the complex managers wouldn’t do anything to follow up. At the time I came to the conference we had just gotten a new chief who was determined to clean our town up. When I got to the conference I figured that our city was just going to try another temporary fix. I learned quickly that this program was much more than temporary. Since my return from the conference and the implementation of the program on the use of the Crime Free addendum our call volume in multi-family areas have dropped tremendously. Landlords/managers have been following through and enforcing the rules they lay out. They have made it clear that causing problems is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. They know there is a way to stop the problems and they know it works because they can see the proof in their own results. To my knowledge there has not been anyone to contest to their eviction based on a violation of the lease or lease addendum. If they have, they have not won. While I cannot give an exact percentage of call volume decrease in multi-housing communities, I can tell you as a shift supervisor my crew spends a lot less time answering calls in these areas. The change has been tremendous and continuous. My officers have also noticed a change and know how the rules work. I am grateful for the information I was given and have been able to use. The program is a valuable tool to anyone who will use it. I am happy at anytime to talk to anyone who is interested in the program and how it works. One of the great things about this program is it is not hard to get support. Rental properties are often about money. If you show someone how they can save money and keep the units full with good people then people will listen. Another great thing I have found is if I am faced with a problem or question I have access to a number of other people involved in the program who have or can find the answer or solution. As the City of Mesa is the birthplace of the program I often look to them for help because I know I will get it, even 2000 miles away. My calls for help are always quickly answered with realistic solutions. If I can ever be of assistance or answer any questions please feel free to call on me. This is a great program and an opportunity to make a change for the better that simply cannot be passed up. Sgt. Diana Campbell I have been actively working the CFMH Program since 1995 formally trained in 1997. I am the CFMH Coordinator and helped build the Riverside CFMH Program from the ground up. Tim Zehring and the City of Mesa were there from the start and all through the organization process to lend a helping hand. I never had a delay in assistance and I am proud to say I have the strongest CFMH Program in the State of California. Our reductions in calls for service are a little over 75%. 95% to 99% in some of our gangland apartment complexes that have been turn into family oriented communities because of this program. The program has been so successful here in Riverside that the Chief of Police allowed me to get even more involved with the program. I am now a Certified National Trainer and I too can be available for technical support if needed. I have attached some older stats from when we first started the program in a PowerPoint presentation to show how one of our lower income gang infested complexes and one of our Housing Authority complexes - It too was gang infested - was improved because of the CFMH Program. The stats are just in calls for service alone...It does not take into consideration the total number of officers sent and the duration of the calls...In personnel hours alone the reduction of calls for service would be over 99%. I have a Mayor and a City Council that stands behind this program 100% and are firm believers in the CFMH Philosophy. They have seen first hand what it can accomplish. Not to mention save financially. I could go on about this program however I know that you’ve got better things to do than to read all day long. I am available for more information and will go anywhere to help promote the CFMH Program. Officer John Start In 1999, our city, Columbia MO., sent four officers to Mesa, Arizona to be trained in the Crime Free Programs. Since then, our department has dedicated one officer to handle all of the Crime Free Programs, instead of four officers handling Crime Free part time, and of other police duties part time. We have trained around 500 persons in phase 1 of CFMH and have numerous fully certified properties. The most notable benefit has been the decrease in calls at our worst property, which had 940 calls for service and 126 arrests in 2001. It was down to 604 calls for service and 26 arrests in 2003. The calls for service have stayed high because the residents now know they can call the police and action will be taken. The quality of life in rental housing has been much better since we implemented Crime Free. We now have a wonderful working relationship with the apartment association. Our hotels are much safer, problem hotels have been sold or foreclosed, and there is a great partnership between the police and the lodging association. Tim Thomason The Crime Free Program is very successful in Edmonton and is accepted by the Community as a positive improvement for safety and reduction in crimes at Multi-Family Communities. We are now looking at expanding our current program to accept other Crime Free Programs to include the Townhomes/Condos and Storage Units. The benefit is seen for all parties that participate in this program. This is the best program that I have seen in 28 years of police service. Cst. Terry JORDAN As President of the Riverside Crime Free Managers' Association, I speak on behalf of the 233 Crime Free Communities we now have in our Crime Free Program. The Crime Free Program works! The partnership that these communities have with the Riverside Police Department, our area officers and with the networking system that you and the International Crime Free Association has developed is wonderful. No matter what, we can find an answer! You personally have always made yourself available to our Association as well as to our Crime Free Officers. The Riverside Police Department has made our Crime Free Program the most important program this department has and has so stated that fact in not only the Chief's Annual Report but in the Strategic Plan for the department. Our Chief, Russ Leach, supports the Association partnership with his department 100%. Each and every Police Department, not only in the United States, but internationally should create a Crime Free Program in their cities. The City of San Dimas began its Crime Free Program back in 1999 with the support of the City Council, the Public Safety Committee, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, San Dimas Station. Based on the model established by The City of Mesa, we have seen a dramatic decrease (up to 60% at some locations) in the number of calls for service at apartment complexes in the city. The crime rates in these complexes are lower and the quality of life for many of the residents has gone up! The partnership that has been forged between our participating communities and the Sheriff's Department has proven time and time again to be invaluable! Just this past summer, our city was plagued by a group that was heavily "tagging" areas of the city. Regular patrols and high impact patrols were not bringing the results we needed. When one of the vandalisms hit near one of our Crime Free locations, it was as if the floodgates of information opened up. The Community manager began spreading the word about the problems to the entire community. We obtained information that was essentially, the last piece of the puzzle on identifying and catching our vandal. Our program here is looking to expand into the areas of Crime Free Hotel/Motel and Crime Free Mini-Storage, and I feel confident that with the support and training we have received from Tim Zehring and the folks from the City of Mesa, our success will continue. Good Luck and Welcome to a wonderful program! Ed Mackenzie, Team Leader Although our initial foray in the first three years into Crime Free wasn't very successful (one person tried to do it all) in the last six years we have made great strides in the program. When we did the re-start and subsequently expanded the program into our hotels and storage facilities we sought out the assistance of Mesa PD who were very helpful. A little bit of background may be helpful for my agency. Because of our size, 80 commissioned with 40 civilians in suburban Kansas City, our program is slightly different. We are "patrol-based" using district and community policing officers to make the contacts, create the partnerships, and to follow-up with the managers on the day-to-day issues that affect them. Our patrol officers love the patrol-based aspect of the program because they do not have another layer of administration to deal with. From a program management standpoint the only real challenge is to find people who are committed to making their communities a safer place. Once they recognize and buy in then the rest quite simply falls into place. We have received nothing but positive feedback from our community. Our officers have deservedly been recognized by local civic groups for their hard work and our city fathers and the PD administration are obviously pleased with the results. City wide we have reduced police calls for service in the affected properties about 40%. In one particular problematic apartment community where we targeted our street thugs the reduction over the past two years was well over 60%. If we had not brought the program in I can safely say we would be fighting a losing battle. MPO Dave Lewis-Jones The Crime Free is a Program that is outstanding and really works. One example here is a complex that has reduced its calls for service by over 55%. One thing that everyone has to remember is the program is only as good as the support your city and officers give it. Police Officer, Joe Cordie I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you and all the Board members of the Crime Free Program as well as the hundreds of agencies for all their hard work, practical advice, and support and encouragement over the last several years. Since day one everyone has been fast friendly and helpful. Time after time you and many others have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help us get the information and the facts we needed to press our case. When it looked like we might need your testimony at State hearings, or had funding lined up for training, you were ALL there to help as and when needed. Having that support and experience "on call" silenced the critics and helped carry the day. In August of this year the newly formed South Burbank Crime Prevention and Development District (created by the State Legislature and signed into Law by Governor Blanco on July 7th) voted unanimously in a public meeting to start a crime free housing program in the district. District voters will decide on a proposition to dedicate a parcel fee to this and other programs on November 2nd. We will be working hard to educate the voters and again, the success stories from other areas are the BEST advertisement! Thomas Hanlon Modesto has had the Crime Free Multi-Housing program since 2000. The program has worked and continues to reduce calls for service to multi family communities. We have a multi-family program and a duplex-triplex, four-plex program. Last year, calls for service among the participating properties were reduced approximately 27%. Cindy Rhea Here in Henrico County, VA., the Police Department and the area Apartment Managers are very happy with the Crime Free Multi Housing Program. Our program continues to grow each year. We are also receiving requests from other jurisdictions in the State of Virginia to come and teach the program from Chesterfield County, VA., New Port News, VA and Albemarle County, VA. Our community officers have seen a drop in calls for service in the apartment communities that are active in the CFMH program. We believe in this program so much that we are starting the Hotel/Motel program this fall. Sergeant Kenny Cordle I am the Crime Free Coordinator for the El Cajon Police Department in California. We are a low- to mid-income blue-collar city of 98,000 people, 60 percent of who live in one of our 950 apartment communities. By far most of our calls for service were in these communities. When nothing worked to reduce those calls, we brought in the Crime Free Programs. That was in 1997. Since then we have certified 117 apartment communities, 6 mobile home parks and two hotel/motels. We have more than 200 rental properties in one phase or another of the three-phase program. We have trained hundreds of managers and owners, as well as law enforcement personnel from throughout California. On average, we see a 50% to 60% decrease in crime in our certified properties. The program works. Also, as far as support from Tim Zehring, founder of the program, I can't say enough. Any question or problem I have had has been answered promptly and clearly. Tim and the Mesa Police Department could have taken this program and made a lot of money from it, as some other crime prevention programs have, but they didn't. Their goal has simply been to help communities reduce crime. Judy Jones At Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - San Dimas Station we reduced calls for service and nuisance complaints on average 37% based on our last study in 2002 from our benchmarks. At our "worst" complex, we instituted very aggressive application of the program and close partnership with the managers/owners and we achieved 78% reduction in calls for service! Success seems to just depend on the level of commitment from the police agency and the full application of the program by complex management/owner. As a unique component to our operations, we utilized senior volunteers on patrol to conduct many of the property (CPTED) inspections and perform some of the administrative tasks. The volunteers also gathered intelligence from management during routine visits to check up on operations. This helped to maximize our police resources by keeping our deputies out on the streets. I've heard of other areas where local beat cops are assigned the liaison duties with managers in their beats. That might be good to try in smaller, suburban localities JOHN GANNON, SERGEANT I am civilian in the Puyallup Police Department in Puyallup, Washington. We have a population of about 37,000 and cover approximately 13 sq miles. We have 125 identified large multi-family communities in the city. I am the coordinator of our Multi-Housing Program. We have had the Program in our city for 6 yrs and have found it to be extremely successful in reducing calls for service to our multi-housing communities for our Police Officers/Department. We have seen a dramatic reduction in calls for several in our properties, but a substantial reduction at one particular property by as much as 60%. We have seen a great partnership built between our Department and the managers/owners of rental properties in our city. The attitude of the officers has also improved, as they have been able to see that managers can greatly reduce "problem residents" through the civil process, making this a true partnership. Managers/Owners have seen the benefits of this partnership as well passing information on to our Narcotics and Detective Units that has assisted in solving cases. And the managers themselves have built partnerships with one another to assist in problem solving issues on their properties and information sharing. This is a tremendous program and one that our city has given priority to for funding the educational classes for landlords. I am a great fan of this program and am hoping to expand to other areas - Crime Free Storage, Hotel and Motel as soon as I can clone myself to run them! Lisa Isaacs Crime Free has been great for us here in Waite Park, MN. We are a city of about 7000 and about 60% of our population is rental. I was hired in 2001 to take over Crime Free from the officer that was doing it in his "down time." He had made huge steps in the program just getting 2-3 complexes on board. I then took over and now do all of the crime prevention activities for the city. The Chief, officers, residents and managers praise Crime Free. The officers like knowing they can come to me with a problem unit and I will forward the information on to the manager. We never had a really, really bad problem, but the ones we had are a lot less! Alicia Mages This program is one of the most valuable of all programs initiated in the last ten years for our city. Riverside has many Crime Free communities and as a prior Area Commander of a geographical area over thirty square miles and well over a hundred thousand people, I personally relied on the Crime Free program to assist my efforts in managing criminal activity within the apartment communities in my area. Every city should develop a Crime Free program to enhance the livability within their apartment communities. Lt. Tim Bacon Crime Free Multi-Housing is celebrating 10 years of existence in the city of New Westminster, British Columbia. This time frame presents a great opportunity to analyze the success of the program and, with the assistance of a 4th-year criminology student from Simon Fraser University, we have produced a five-year study of calls for police service to both certified Crime Free properties vs. those properties, which have yet to see the light. The results speak for themselves – Crime Free properties experience half the number of calls/unit than those not involved. In presenting the report to our Police Executive, they were curious if any other policing agency has done a comprehensive study of the program for their area. Please let me know if you have. Once the report has been presented to our City Council, it will be posted on our website for the general public. Veronika Metchie I would like to give you an update on our crime free self-storage program. It has been a tremendous success. My first class was in October 2004. We have sixty-one percent of our self-storage facilities participating. I have one fully certified facility and 6 facilities in phase 2, all of which are close to becoming fully certified. The amazing part is this: prior to implementing the program, we were having lots of break-ins to self-storage facilities. Since the program started in the fall of 2004, we have not had a single break-in! My chief is amazed and impressed! Thanks for all of your help. Deb Tellinghuisen When I took the position three years ago as the Crime Prevention/CFMH officer we had a huge problem at our local hotel. It was nothing to respond to the Hotel 5 to 10 times a week, recovering stolen vehicles, drug and prostitution arrests, disturbances and domestics. We went to the manager and implemented the CF Hotel/Motel program. Due to the diversity of the employees at the hotel, the manager had a Russian and Hispanic interpreter at the training session. At the present time, we may respond to the hotel once or twice a month. This program has been great! Captain Rodney Seurer Want More Proof?
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